Right now, it's about 2.05am and I'm trying to fight nature because of the pile of books in front of me. I have got my dissertation to hand in a matter of days and I can't believe I still have loads to write and put together. Stop! I know what you are thinking .... 'Musco has been damn lazy'! I haven't been lazy , it's just that combining work and schooling in this country is crazy. On days like this, I really wish my dad was a politician and he had all the money in the world to send to me regularly so that I won't have to do all these crazy, yeye, insulting jobs but it's all good sha. Right now, from what I have been through so far, I can look up to the heavens and thank God for his faithfulness to me despite all odds. There are times, I don't deserve half of what I get because of my sins but God has just been faithful to me. I have also learnt what it really means to be a man especially when you have to fend for yourself.
I decided to put up this post because I'm feeling damn sleepy but I have to keep awake to get my dissertation done. I actually have three deadlines. The first is in a few days, the second is in January while the third is in May 2011. So you see, Musco hasn't totally been lazy besides what the heck will I be doing till May 2011 when I should be expecting my first child by then (LOL!).
Over the past few months, I have made some very wonderful friends on blogville. These friends would always be special to me no matter what. I have made up my mind to have their names on my acknowledgment page. One of them is my blog crush...... Thanks a million for being there every single day since we hooked up...I love you( not scared of saying it openly.lol) The next one is also someone very special who is always ready to talk to me even when she's at work. I can remember a particular day I felt so down and wanted to give up but she was there talking me through it. Thanks 'babes'. The last one is someone very naughty but has been a good friend too. He's always ready to give me survival tips and always ready to send me an instant message if he feels anything is wrong with me. I really wonder what it will be like to have you all in one place. Kai,that won't be a good idea because I'm not letting you guys know who my blog crush is ...lol.
Wow!I never intended writing anything close to this and I'm sorry if this post looks dis-jointed. I have this very bad habit of not editing whatever I write. It's 2.34am and I'm back to the analysis of data and drawing of bar charts and pie charts to represent it.