Most times
They say I control myself
Women believe that once I wake up from slumber
I can hardly think straight
I stay awake till I get what quenches my thirst
It is even believed
I'm moved by what I see
Although I believe it's more of a myth than reality
I still believe I have a mind of my own
Which makes it difficult for my 'owner' to control sometimes
There are times I wonder why I wield so much power
But I'm at peace because I know Heaven brought me to fore for a purpose
Yes! I was definitely part of the creation story or ...
Created for a particular reason
I know certain women purposely provoke me with their dressing
They have woken me up from slumber in public places
They have made my 'owner' send messages to me from the brain
I try to resist most times especially when I had been warned earlier
Somehow, it's just so difficult for me to resist a challenge
I have been put to test so many times
I really wonder what state I would be now if ...
There could be more depending on the reactions I get from this. It's sort of interesting to be able to view things and issues from another perspective. I can't wait to read comments!