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Saturday, August 8, 2015


I woke up this saturday morning and I realise we are no longer two...

Number three joined us a few months ago and I look at her with pride and the instinct of being a father sets in again. Just last night, tears came gushing down my eyes. Not because I was sad, but the wonders of this gift from God excites me. I try to figure out many times how a slippery substance turns into a whole human being perfect with bones, skin and organs inside the womb. Right now, am imagining God busy at work immediately there's a vigorous bout of sex in any part of the world. HE's really an unquestionable God.

So much to talk about...


T.Notes said...

Oooh wooow!!! Congratulations Musco Baba!!!!!

musco said...

Thanks bro!!! I don miss you though! No be so we talk am now....

musco said...
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YankeeNaija said...

HUGE congratulations!!!!!

Parakeet said...

Congrats once more darling...no one deserves this more. xx

mizchif said...

Go Daddy Musco!

Molara Brown said...

Some got married and didnt invite us....congratulations.